Add and Schedule a Course
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    Add and Schedule a Course

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    Article summary


    Courses in Campus Café are stored first at the catalog level. The course may then be copied to individual sections for the desired semesters. Courses are created, edited and deleted through Course Finder.

    To schedule a course in any semester the semester must have a registration control. The registration control dates may be in the future.

    Add a Course

    1. Navigate to Registrar > Course Finder
    2. Click the Add Course button
    3. If the course is new to the Campus Café system, in the Course Semester drop down, choose the Course Catalog semester. If the course already exists in the catalog, in the Course Semester drop down choose the semester in which to schedule the course.
    4. In the Course Number box, enter the full course code e.g. MTH101
    5. If the course is new to the Campus Café system, in the Course Section box, enter 1. If the course already exists in the catalog, in the Course Section box enter the desired section number for the semester for which the course is being added.
    6. Click Add
    7. There are 10 tabs across the top, each allowing various information about the course to be stored. At initial creation under the course catalog, only fields with an asterisk are recommended; however, only the description is required.

    Course Tab

    Class Information

    Class Title*: This field appears on the transcript as the official title of the course. If more than 30 characters are used and the “two up” or two-column transcript is used, then the title will be wrapped onto a second line.

    Seat Limit(Class Size): This field contains the number of seats in the class. Users with certain security my still register. Other registration options such as wait listing will not affect the class size field.

    Seats Used: Read only. The number of enrolled students

    Base Class Size:  Read only. This seat limit.

    Sub Semester: The sub semester is an attribute of the course and not part of the key to the course. It is typically used to control registration and grade entry. For example, in the fall term 201710, there is a sub semester that runs from September 1 to October 15 (term 1) and another sub semester that runs from October 16 until December 1 (term 2). By setting up these sub semesters, you can control when student can register for classes (Registrar > Registration Control) and when faculty can enter grades for each sub semester (Registrar > Grade Control).

    Begin and End Date: These fields are used to define the class period. If left blank, the dates will default to the semester start and end dates (the course will start and end with the semester). However, many schools have individual start and end dates for courses that differ from the term dates, and this field allows a course to have different start and end dates that fall within a semester. Campus Café supports asynchronous courses and the student enrollment record can have a further override of the start and end date in this case.

    Course Length (in Days): This field can contain the actual number of days of the course. If used, this field will be used to calculate the end date for a student in asynchronous mode and is calculated from the individual student’s start date.

    Instructor 1 and 2: Up to two instructors can be specified for a course.

    Year Long Course: Courses identified as year long will allow the year long grade to be entered.

    Cross List Root: Campus Café supports cross listing of courses, allowing you to have several courses listed in different departments that appear on the same roster for grading and teaching purposes. The seat count for the consolidation will be contained in the root course. Any “satellite” courses must contain the cross-listed root course name.

    Syllabus: Assists in tracking the version of the course curriculum being taught by the specific section of the course. Codes set in Registrar > Syllabus Codes.


    Credits/CEUs*: Contains the default credits or CEUs for the course. This is copied to the student enrollment record and can be overridden on an individual student enrollment. The field is used in GPA calculations, degree audits, credit totals, and searches. The maximum number supported is 9999.99.

    Min Credits/CEUs: Defines the minimum credits that can be assigned to an enrollment.

    Max Credits: Defines the maximum credits that can be assigned to an enrollment.

    Contact Hours: Defines the contact hours for the course. This field is mandatory in a clock hour model, but may also be filled in for credit courses. If only the contact hours are filled in and not the credits, the contact hours will be used for GPA calculations etc. This will appear on the clock-hour transcript.

    Minimum and Maximum Hours: Defines the minimum and maximum contact hours that can be assigned to an enrollment.

    Contact Hours Override: Not in use.

    Lab Hours: Defines the hours for labs or skills that are separate from the academic teaching. There are options on the grade report/transcript to calculate separate grade averages for lab/skills achievement.


    Site: Contains the course site. This can be used for a physical site or a virtual site. For example, you may have site 1 as day, site 2 as evening, and site 3 as online. Using custom control WEBREGSITE, you can constrain students to only see their courses during registration (e.g. site 1 day students would only see site 1 courses).

    Division*: Contains the school division. For example, College of Liberal Arts. This field is available on the course listing and rosters as a filter.

    Department*: Contains the department associated with the course (i.e., Math). This field is available on the course listing and rosters as a filter. It is also used in the permissions system to govern departmental access to rosters and students. A faculty member or administrator can be designated as belonging to a department (faculty maintenance) or multiple departments using the multiple department maintenance function.

    Program Initials: This field may be used to enter the first two or three characters of the course number. For example, AC = or ACC for accounting courses based on custom control WEBCRPLEN. It is available as a filter on the course listings.


    Grading Method 1-3: These fields are used to describe grading method(s). Setting this to PF Pass/Fail will restrict final grades to those on the Quality Point Maintenance screen indicated as Pass/Fail. STParm RCGRMD controls these options; do not remove option PF.

    Credit Status: Non-Credit courses can be specified with this field.

    Class Status

    Class Cancelled: This flag can be used to cancel a course. This will prevent further registration although there may already be enrollments in the course when it is canceled. The Multiple Student Course Drop function can be used to unenroll students from canceled courses.

    Enrollment/Catalog Status: Defines the status of an enrollment or catalog.  This field may contain the following values, “closed," “allow over-enrollment,” or "catalog inactive." If closed, registration will be unavailable unless a proper override is provided. For example, some schools will temporarily close a course to save space for a preferred group that might register a week later. "Allow over-enrollment" will permit registration to continue even if a course is full without affecting the base class size. If "catalog inactive" is indicated, the course will not be presented as a target course when posting transfer or test credit.  This value is also designed to assist with searching the catalog semester, limiting the results to currently active classes.

    Related Functions

    Activity Trigger: This trigger can be used to generate activity tracking records when an enrollment is added to a student subject to the hold enrollment tracking field.

    Hold Enrollment Tracking: If this box is checked, the activity tracking will not be generated for the course for the student until the hold enrollment tracking box is unchecked on the student enrollment record.

    Gradebook group ID: This field contains the ID of the gradebook group for the course. When the course is added to a student’s record, a gradebook will be generated for that student based on the records set up in the gradebook maintenance on the registrar menu.

    Transcript Footnote Code: This field can contain a footnote that will appear on the transcript for the specific course.

    Sign Up Now Form: Choose a form to allow individuals to register for the class directly without an existing person record or application submission. Refer to Sign up form documentation.

    Location Tab

    The location tab allows you to schedule the class's meeting days and times. Check the Override Conflicts box to allow the same room to be scheduled at the same time for multiple classes.

    Exam Schedules can also be assigned.  Exam Scheduling Codes must first be set up to assign an Exam Schedule and Room.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites Tabs

    Campus Café supports pre-requisites and co-requisites and will enforce them when a student attempts to register, provided proper permissions are set.

    See pre-requisite documentation for details on these functions.


    The codes tab allows additional information about a course. Many of the selections may be set by institutions using STParms.

    Class Characteristics

    Lab: Choose to indicate a lab section. If custom control GPA_LABS, Sequence1, Parameter 1 is set to N then courses indicated as a lab will not appear on the transcript or be included in the GPA.

    Instruction Method 1-3: Field to classify the modality of instruction. Classes with OL as Instruction Method 1will not appear on the calendar view of the class schedule and will only appear on the grid view. Values set in STParm RCIMXX

    Class Level Restriction: Choose to restrict the class to students associated with a specific class level, e.g. freshman, sophomore, junior or senior. The restriction will allow students in that level and higher levels to register for the class. The system will use the class level unless custom control WEBUSEASSU is set to Y, in which case the system will use the assumed class level.

    Remedial Code: Informational field to classify a course as remedial. Values set in STParm RCRMCD

    Certification: Information field. Separate from major maintenance. Values set in STParm RCCTCD

    ADA Compliant: Information field to denote courses that may have special ADA compliance. Values set in STParm RCADAC

    Core Curriculum: Informational field. Values set in STParm RCCORC

    Funding Status: Information field. Values set in STParm RCFDST

    Course Contract Type: Informational field. Values set in SParm RCCCTY


    Repeat Rule: If this field is not blank, a student may repeat the course for credit. The selection impacts the earned credit/GPA. Permission #381 controls whether the user may override the repeat rule during registration. Important: A user will be allowed to register for a course additional times regardless of the repeat rule/permission if the prior attempt has a failing grade.

    If the repeatable flag is blank (--choose one--) the course may not be repeated. Courses that were dropped with no grade or have a W grade are not treated as previous attempts for the purpose of this rule. Custom Control RG900BA, Sequence 1, Parameter 3 controls whether transfer courses are considered when checking for repeats. If the student attempts to enroll in the course again, the system will prompt the student that he or she has exceeded the enrollment limit for the course. Permission 381 controls whether the student may override this prompt and enroll. Permission 561 controls whether a staff member may override this prompt and enroll the student. If the student is registered for the course again, the system will count only one attempt in total earned credits and the GPA. Custom Control RG900BA, Sequence 1, Parameter 1 controls whether the class representing the highest grade or the class in the highest (most recent) semester is factored in to the GPA. To allow a specific student to count multiple attempts in earned credits and GPA, check the Repeat Threshold Override Flag on the Enrollment Detail page for the student's course.

    Alternative Grade Semester: Set an alternate grade semester for the class to use an alternative quality points listing (grade scheme). This will allow the class to follow a different grade scheme than defined by the quality points listing for the semester in which the class is offered.  If this field is blank, the regular quality points 0 semester is used.  The numeric value in the alternate grade semester is added to the constant 999990 to indicate the semester for the quality points for this course.  If this field contains a 1, the quality points from semester 999991 will be used to calculate credits taken, credits earned, cumulative gpa, etc.

    Exclude From GPA: Removes the course from GPA calculations for all students enrolled in course

    Exclude From Transcript: Removes the course from the transcripts of all students enrolled in course

    Exclude From Degree Audit: Removes the course from the degree audits of all students enrolled in course

    Exclude From Grade Comments: Removes the course from the grade reports of all students enrolled in course


    Hide Course in Public Course Listing: Removes course from public course search. Permission #657 determines whether the logged in user respects this.

    Hide Course in Private Course Listing (Student): Removes course from student class search. Permission #657 determines whether the logged in user respects this. 

    Hide Course in Private Course Listing (Non-Student): Removes course from faculty/staff class search. Permission #657 determines whether the logged in user respects this.

    Learning Management System

    LMS Category: Supports the Moodle-Campus Café API. The course category in Campus Café set should match the course category in Moodle. Options set through STPARM LMSCAT

    LMS Course Code Override: The Brightspace and Canvas learning management system (LMS) integrations by default create a new course/section in the LMS for each Campus Cafe section. To have student enrollments from multiple Campus Cafe course sections all flow into a single course in the LMS, for Brightspace, enter the Brightspace Course Offering Code of the Brightspace course in this box. For Canvas, enter the Canvas SIS ID number of the Canvas section in this box. Not supported in Moodle.

    Exclude From LMS Integration: Check the box to exclude this section from an integration with Brightspace or Canvas. This section will not be created in Brightspace or Canvas and students enrolled in this section will not be enrolled in this Brightspace or Canvas section. Not supported in Moodle.

    Custom Information

    Enrollment Code 1-4: Information fields. Values set in STParm RGENCD 


    Retention Rating: By default each absence will add 1 to the student's retention score. (A higher score equals a higher risk of dropping out.) Adjusting this value will change the value of each absence.

    IPEDS Code: The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System code

    CIP Code: NCES Classification of Instructional Programs code

    TOP Code: California community college Taxonomy of Programs code

    Course Degree Audit Limit Type: Specify the type of course (e.g. workshop, physical education). The degree audit may be configured to limit the number of courses by type that apply toward a student's degree requirements.

    Faculty Pay Info

    The faculty pay info allows institutions to store information about the class instructor’s pay.

    Pay Type: Institution defined value that may include such options as “contract,” “per student,” etc. Values set in STParm RCPYTP

    Amount To Pay: Dollar amount of compensation

    Pay Rate %: If faculty to receive a portion of total compensation

    Length of Session: Informational

    Pay Level: Informational

    Quantity of Sessions: Informational

    Min. Enrollment: Minimum number of students required to run class. For informational purposes only, no effect on registration.

    Hours Towards Cert: Informational


    The global billing refund rule is found in Admin -> Semester Date Maintenance for the semester with a 0 site number and no major specified.    The billing/refund panel on the course allows the ability to specify an alternative number of days or dates than the global rule.   

    In order for charges to be reversed, the enrollment must have a withdrawal date and withdrawal final grade.   Dropped enrollments are always refunded at 100%.

    Only per course fees from the fee panel, or per course charges in a billing rule with a proc type of T and a Not Reversible Code of B, C or S are eligible for automatic refund processing

    The billing rule can be specified in a number of days or a specific date.

    If using the number of days method, the days are calculated from the begin date of the course to the date of withdrawal (with the begin date of the course not counting towards the days.

    Courses starting on May 1, 2023 would only be eligible for a 100% refund until 8 days (5/9/23 would be 8 days since the first day is not counted).

    So for a course which starts on 5/1/23:

    100% refund through 5/9/23 (up to 8 days)

    70% refund 5/10/23- 5/16/23 (9-15 days)

    60% refund 5/17/23-5/23/23 (16-22 days)

    50% refund 5/24/23-5/30/23 (23-29 days)

    0 Refund after 29 days.

    If you key in specific dates the refund would be as follows:

    100% refund through 5/9/23

    70% refund 5/10/23- 5/16/23

    60% refund 5/17/23-5/23/23

    50% refund 5/24/23-5/30/23

    0 Refund after 29 days.

    Fee Panel

    The fee panel allows institutions to charge fees specific to an individual section. These fees will be charged in addition to the normal tuition.

    The course must be saved before adding fees.

     To add a fee

    1. Choose the fee type.  Note: Values are delivered with the system and may not be changed.
    2. Choose the bill code (transaction code) for which the fee will appear on the student bill
    3. Choose a site to apply the fee (optional)
    4. Choose an effective date (optional)
    5. Enter the amount of the fee
    6. Click Save Fee

    Extra Info

    The extra info screen allows additional descriptive information about the class.

    Course Description: Defines the details the course, typically, from the academic catalog. Appears in class search when the course code is selected.

    Comment 1-3: Optional free-text area to provide additional information. Comment 1 will appear on the class search depending on permissions assigned to the user.


    Exclude from Bill Matrix: If checked, this course will not apply to a billing rule with the Per Credit or Course set to per course or per credit. The course will apply if the Per Credit or Course is set to Flat Fee on All and will be factored into the minimum or maximum credits required for a billing rule to apply.

    Course Exceptions

    Course exceptions may allow institutions to add more than two instructors to a course or an off-cycle meeting time to a class. For example, a class may meet Monday and Fridays but also one specific Wednesday. 


    If custom control ATTEND_VAL Seq 1, Parm 6 is set to N, a course exception may not be scheduled to meet at the same time as the root course or another of the course's exceptions. For example, if MATH314 Section 1 is scheduled to meet January 5 to March 30 on Tuesdays from 9am to 10am, you may not schedule an exception for MATH314 Section 1 to meet on a Tuesday between 9am and 10am that falls between January 5 and March 30.

    To allow exceptions at the same time, set custom control ATTEND_VAL Seq 1, Parm 6 is set to Y.

    To create a course exception, the course itself must exist in the course catalog and be scheduled to a specific semester.

    1. Navigate to Registrar > Course Finder
    2. Click the Add Course button
    3. In the Course Semester drop down choose the semester in which the course exception is being scheduled
    4. In the Course Number box enter the full course code e.g. MTH101
    5. In the Course Section box enter the section number
    6. In the Course Section box enter a number or letter to identify the exception
    7. Click Add
    8. To add an additional meeting time, on the Course tab enter the Begin Date and End Date as the date the class meets off cycle
    9. To add additional instructors, on the Course tab enter instructors in the Instructor 1 and Instructor 2 box
    10. Click Save

    Course Dates

    Each date the course meets is listed on this calendar. The calendar updates nightly. To force an update, run Course Dates Creation. You may hover over the exception records to see more information about the exception.

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