Bill Upload From Spreadsheet
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    Bill Upload From Spreadsheet

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    Article summary

    The Bill Upload from Spreadsheet allows the creation of a billing batch based upon a spreadsheet or CSV file (xlsx, xls, or csv).   It requires the following headers in this order ID or SSN, BILL_SEM, BILL_CODE, DESCRIPTION, AMOUNT, SPONSORED_ID, SITE.   All rows must contain ID or SSN, BILL_CODE, and AMOUNT.          

    ID or SSN

    This field contains the student id or social security number of the student if the charge is to be placed on the students account.   If a Sponsor is to be billed, the sponsor id should be in this field and sponsored id column will contain the student id.


    This field contains the billing semester to apply the billing batch charge.  If this field is empty, the billing semester from the AR Control File will be used.


    This field is mandatory and must contain a valid transaction code.   A valid transaction code is any transaction code not marked invalid.   If an invalid transaction code is used, the bill batch record will not be created and an error will appear indicating records not added.


    This field will be used for the description of the bill batch record.   If this field is empty the description from the transaction code will be used.


    This field is mandatory and will contain the amount for the billing entry.  

    If the charge will be posted to a students bill but noted that a sponsor will pay enter the sponsor , enter sponsor id here.    If the bill is to appear for the sponsor, enter the student id in this column and the sponsor id in the ID or SSN field.


    The site code specified must exist in STPARMS for Parameter Code HOCONO (Billing Site) and SBCONO (Student Site).   If the site listed is not a valid parameter for both the record in the spreadsheet will not be added and an error will appear.   Valid sites will be added to the BILLING_SITE and STUDENT_SITE of the billing batch record that is created.

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