Budget Upload
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    Budget Upload

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    Budget File Upload

    1. Run the Budget Upload Extraction Report

    From the menu in the upper left, select Faculty/Staff -> Base Reports

    From the Business Office Folder, choose the Budget Upload Extraction

    Enter the database code, and fiscal year for the report.

    Click View Report and then export to Excel.  Use Excel to adjust amounts as needed and save the spreadsheet.

    Budget File Upload

    Select the Fiscal Year, click browse to select the spreadsheet and click open.

    After clicking open, the path to the spreadsheet will appear next to the browse button. Click Submit to Upload the Budget.

    If any accounts do not exist in the General Ledger Account Maintenance, an error will appear.    Either fix the account in the spreadsheet, or add the account to the fiscal year under General Ledger Account Maintenance.

    If an Invalid account exists in the spreadsheet you will receive a message indicating the account and the corrected account key.

    Entered is the invalid account in the spreadsheet, derived is the corrected gl account key.

    After clicking submit, if no errors are encountered, you will get a report of the result on screen.   Any budget that is added, will say added.   If a budget record already existed, you will receive a message that the budget was updated.

    Updated rows gives the following report:

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