COD Document Files and Responses
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    COD Document Files and Responses

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    Article summary

    About Financial Aid COD Documents

    When the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) export is generated from Campus Cafe it automatically generates a COD document file in the system keyed by the COD document ID to receive the corresponding incoming COD response file when received by the institution. (Please note that these placeholder COD document files will have an award year listed of zero until the COD response file is received.)  This file is saved here, and can be re-downloaded to be saved again if the original export file is misplaced.

    The COD response file provides institutions with information about student disbursements. The file also contains "responses" that may indicate the student is ineligible for financial aid or rejection issues with a originated award/disbursement. If there are no negative responses, the award may be disbursed to the student.

    The COD Document ID can also be input into the COD Document ID search tool to view the Accept/Reject responses in COD.

    Load COD Document Files

    Only one file may be loaded at a time, however one file may contain multiple students, awards and disbursements.

    1. Download the COD file to your computer using EdConnect (CRDLxxOP,CRPGxxOP,CRAAxxOP)

    2. In Campus Cafe, navigate to Student Financials > F/A COD Documents

    3. Under COD Response Import click Browse

    4. Locate the COD file on your computer and select it

    5. Click Upload

    6. Students with awards cleared to disburse will have their package codes adjusted and awards disbursed to bill batch for posting to student ledgers. Students with response codes that prevent disbursements will remain pending.

    View Document Files

    1. Navigate to Student Financials > F/A COD Documents

    2. Under Filters in Award Year enter an federal aid award year (e.g. 2021)

    3. Click Filter

    4. Files will appear in the results along with information such as the COD Process date and response codes. Click Responses to see additional details about that specific record.
      Note that if no award year appears a response file for the student has not yet been imported to Campus Cafe.

    Locate a Specific Student

    You can locate a specific student but only if the COD response file for that student has been loaded into Campus Cafe.

    1. Navigate to Student Financials > F/A COD Documents

    2. Under Filters in Award Year enter an federal aid award year (e.g. 2021)

    3. Under Filters in the Bios ID# enter the Campus Cafe student ID number of the individual

    4. Click Filter

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