Cost Centers and Cost Center Groups
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    Cost Centers and Cost Center Groups

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    Article summary

    About Cost Centers and Cost Center Groups

    Cost centers allow institutions to roll up revenue and expenses in broad categories. An operating profit and loss sheet may encompass multiple cost centers. 

    Cost centers are a prerequisite to establishing general ledger accounts and transaction codes.

    A cost center group is an optional method to combine individual cost centers for access and reporting.

    Create Cost Center

    Permissions #418 and #839 are required to access this function.

    1. Navigate to Accounting > Cost Center Maintenance
    2. Under Cost Centers click New Record
      Function: A numerical system generated number which is either Style A - The first position of the cost center X 10 or Style B - The first 2 positions in the cost center or by cost center. For example, if the cost center were 8110, Style A function would be 80, and Style B function would be 81.
      Cost Center: A numerical number to identify the cost center
      Title: Descriptive text of the cost center
      External Cost Center: An additional number to describe the cost center (e.g. a number to cross-reference with another system such as QuickBooks)
    3. Click Create

    Create Cost Center Group

    Permissions #418 and #839 are required to access this function.

    1. Navigate to Accounting > Cost Center Maintenance
    2. Under Cost Center Groups, click New Record
      Group Number: A unique number to identify a collection of cost centers
      Cost Center Number: The numerical value of the cost center
      Description: Text that describes the center
    3. Click Create

    Cost Center Permissions

    Permission #814 is required to access this function.

    Cost center permissions control which cost centers specific users can work with.

    Add permission for a user

    1. Navigate to Admin > Cost Center Permissions
    2. In the User box enter the username of the Campus Cafe user to grant permission (case sensitive)
    3. There are three mutually exclusive ways to provide access
      A. In the Cost Center drop down choose the cost center to grant access; to grant access to all centers, select *ALL.
      B. In the Cost Center Group drop down choose the group to grant access
      C. In the PET# drop down choose the Project Expense Tracking code to grant access
    4. Optionally select specific access
      Can See Salary Records: User can view payroll entries
      Can See Revenue Records: User can view revenue entries
      Can See Balance Sheet Records: User can view balance sheets
    5. Click Add

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