DocuSign (eSignature)
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    DocuSign (eSignature)

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    Article summary

    ­­Introduction and Overview

    The Campus Café / DocuSign integration allows an applicant, student, parent or administrator to digitally sign document and have a copy of the completed document returned to the applicant or student's file. A separate contract with DocuSign is required for this integration. 

    Please Note:
    The DocuSign Integration requires at least the "Intermediate" API Level License: DocuSign Agreement Cloud | Apps, Integrations & APIs for Business™ 
    You must also create a separate Developer/Demo Account in addition to the licensed account with DocuSign in order to complete this integration

    API Setup in DocuSign Development Environment

    DocuSign requires customers to link the Campus Cafe integration to its development environment and test 20 documents before finalizing the integration in a production environment.

    1. Create a developer demo account at
    2. Click Settings
    3. Click Apps and Keys
    4. Click Add App and Integration Key
    5. Enter a name for the app (e.g. Campus Café)
    6. Click Create App
    7. Copy the Integration Key for future use
    8. Under Authentication, choose Authorization Code Grant
    9. Under Service Integration, click + Generate RSA 
    10. Copy the private key and send to Campus Cafe support
    11. Click Close
    12. Under Redirect URIs, click Add URI
    13. Populate the redirect URI with the Campus Café redirect value for your institution: replacing abc with your school code
    14. Click Save
    15. Click on the Users menu item 
    16. Next to the user that Campus Cafe will use to create and send document envelopes click Actions and select Edit. 
    17. Copy the user’s User ID for later use

    Map Campus Café to DocuSign Development Environment

    1. Log in to Campus Café
    2. Navigate to Admin > Web App Config
      Set the following parameters as follows:
      DOCUSIGN_AUTH_REDIRECT_URL - replacing abc with your school code
      DOCUSIGN_IMPERSONATED_USER - the User ID value retrieved for the user that Campus Café will impersonate
      DOCUSIGN_INTEGRATOR_ID – the Integration Key from DocuSign
      DOCUSIGN_REDIRECT_URL - replacing abc with your school code
      DocuSign REST API URL -

    Send DocuSign Development Private Key to Campus Cafe

    Send the private key generated to Campus Cafe support, which will install the key and wait for Campus Cafe to confirm the key is installed before proceeding.

    Wait for confirmation from Campus Café that the key has been installed prior to proceeding.

    Campus Café DocuSign Authorization in Development Environment

    Campus Café must be authorized to impersonate a user defined in your DocuSign account. With the values described above generated and saved to Campus Café’s WebApp Config:

    1. Log in to Campus Café with an administrative level account (specifically, with permission 293)
    2. In your browser, enter the URL: replacing abc with your school code
    3. You will be presented with the following webpageA screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated
    4. Click Request Authorization 
    5. Log into DocuSign development with the user created for Campus Café to impersonate
    6. Campus Café will now be approved to create document envelopes with DocuSign 

    Create DocuSign Template

    A DocuSign template (sometimes known as an envelope) is created in DocuSign to hold the content of the document and signatures. Refer to DocuSign documentation for detailed information on templates. The below provides details on how to connect signers and pass information from Campus Cafe to the DocuSign template.

    Renaming a template in DocuSign after connecting it to Campus Cafe will break both the workflow and any existing documents assigned to individuals not yet signed. Do not rename a DocuSign template once configured to work with a Campus Cafe workflow.
    1. Log in to DocuSign development if initially configuring the integration or DocuSign production after configuration is complete
    2.  Click Templates
    3. Click New > Create Template
    4. Give your template a name and, optionally, a description
    5. Add a Document to serve as the content; the integration supports an envelope containing five or fewer documents
    6. Add Recipients; for envelopes with multiple recipients, you must check Set signing order.
      For a Student signer in Role enter Student and leave Name and Email empty
      For a parent 1 signer in Role enter Parent1 and leave Name and Email empty. A parent is someone connected to the student with a relationship code of PAR. The parent must have a valid email address in Campus Cafe. If Parent1 and Parent2 two are set to the same DocuSign signing order then only one parent will be required to sign, otherwise both parents will be required to sign. If the DocuSign template contains only Parent1, the system will choose the first parent added to the system.
      For a parent 2 signer in Role enter Parent2 and leave Name and Email empty. A parent is someone connected to the student with a relationship code of PAR. The parent must have a valid email address in Campus Cafe. If Parent2 and Parent1 two are set to the same DocuSign signing order then only one parent will be required to sign, otherwise both will be required to sign. 
      For an administrator 1 signer in Role enter Admin and leave Name and Email empty. The administrator is then chosen based on the workflow definition in Campus Cafe. The administrator must have a valid preferred email address in Campus Cafe.
      For an administrator 2 signer in Role enter Admin2 and leave Name and Email empty. The administrator is then chosen based on the workflow definition in Campus Cafe. The administrator must have a valid preferred  email address in Campus Cafe.
      For an administrator 3 signer in Role enter Admin3 and leave Name and Email empty. The administrator is then chosen based on the workflow definition in Campus Cafe. The administrator must have a valid preferred  email address in Campus Cafe.
    7.  Click Next to add fields to the form. Fields are either additional information entered by the signer or information transmitted from Campus Cafe to the DocuSign template. Certain information about students may be transferred from Campus Cafe to the DocuSign template. To do so, add a text field in the DocuSign template with the proper Data Label Value. For example, to insert the student's first name into the DocuSign template, add a text box with the Data Label of Student_FName. A complete list of Data Label Values appears below. Data Label values are case sensitive. A sample DocuSign Template is attached to this Knowledge Base article and may be imported into DocuSign. Campus Cafe recommends you make the fields read only or the signer will be able to edit the data.
    8. Add additional text fields as desired
    9. Click Save and Close

    Data Labels for Mergeable Fields

    Campus Cafe FieldDocuSign Data Label Value
    ID NumberStudentId
    Student First NameStudent_FName
    Student Middle NameStudent_MName
    Student Last NameStudent_LName
    Student Last 4 digits of SSNStudentLast4SSN
    Student Home Address 1StudentAddress1
    Student Home Address 2StudentAddress2
    Student Home Address 3StudentAddress3
    Student Home CityStudentCity
    Student Home StateStudentState
    Student Home CountryStudentCountry
    Student Home ZipStudentZip
    Student Home Zip ExtensionStudentZipExt
    Student Home PhoneStudentCellPhone
    Student Cell PhoneStudentCellPhone
    Student Date of BirthStudentDOB
    Start Date of Accepted SemesterStudentStartDate
    End Date of Accepted SemesterStudentEndDate
    Accepted SemesterStudentStartSemester
    Accepted Degree Type 1StudentDegreeType1
    Accepted Major 1StudentAcceptedMajor1
    Accept Major 1 Hours to CompleteStudentHoursToComplete1
    Accept Major 1 Years to CompleteStudentYearsToComplete1
    Accept Major 1 Expected Graduation DateStudentEstGradDate1
    Accepted Degree Type 2StudentDegreeType2
    Accepted Major 2StudentAcceptedMajor2
    Accept Major 2 Hours to CompleteStudentHoursToComplete2
    Accept Major 2 Years to CompleteStudentYearsToComplete2
    Accept Major 2 Expected Graduation DateStudentEstGradDate2
    Accepted Degree Type 3StudentDegreeType3
    Accepted Major 3StudentAcceptedMajor3
    Accept Major 3 Hours to CompleteStudentHoursToComplete3
    Accept Major 3 Years to CompleteStudentYearsToComplete3
    Accept Major 3 Expected Graduation DateStudentEstGradDate3

    Expected Graduation and Years to Complete Fields

    The expected graduation dates are drawn from semesters set up on the Campus Cafe semester dates maintenance screen. Semesters must have expected graduation terms configured and end dates. The system will look first to match a semester on the applicant or student's site and then to the semester with no site if a match is not available. Additionally, each major must have years to complete configured.

    Routing and Signing

    If the applicant or student is the first recipient, the applicant or student will see the a link to sign the DocuSign template in his or her Campus Cafe applicant status or document portal. The applicant or student will not receive an email notification unless set up as part of the workflow. After the student signs, subsequent signers will be notified by email of the need to sign the DocuSign template. The email contains a link to bring them to the DocuSign template to sign.

    If the parent or administrator is the first recipient, the signer will be notified by email of the need to sign the DocuSign template. The email contains a link to bring the signer to the DocuSign template to sign. 

    After each party signs the DocuSign template an updated PDF of the template is put in Campus Cafe.

    Set Up DocuSign Activity in Campus Café

    Once the previous steps are completed, workflows and activity tracking templates that contain DocuSign templates (envelopes) may be created.

    Create the workflow

    1. Log in to Campus Café
    2. Navigate to All Users > Workflow Definitions
    3. To create an Admissions DocuSign workflow definition, select Member A (Admissions), To create a Financial Aid DocuSign workflow, select Member F (Financial Aid) Choose other members depending on business process
    4. In the Definition Name box add a name for the workflow
    5. Click Add
    6. From the type menu, select a type. To show the document in the applicant status (admissions portal) choose MISSINGDOC. To show the document in the student document portal or financial aid portal choose DOCUMENT. No other Types are supported.
    7. In the Description box enter a description
    8. In the Mode box select the mode Note only
    9. Under attachment choose who may add, view or delete the document by checking the boxes. Campus Cafe recommends selecting at a minimum Tracked Person Can View Attachment so the student or applicant can see the completed document in Campus Cafe.
    10. At the bottom of the page under DocuSign Template click the magnifying glass to see your DocuSign templates.  If none appear, confirm that you have at least one template saved in DocuSign and that your configuration values are accurate.
    11. Click Select next to the desired template
      Student: Represents the applicant or student
      Parent: Represents a maximum of two people connected to the individual with a relationship code of PAR
      Admin: Select the faculty or staff member from the drop down that appears once the box is checked (This list is any non-student that has an active flag under their faculty info page)
    12. Under Select Signatories check the party or parties that must sign the document
    13. Click Save

    Link workflow with activity tracking template

    The activity tracking template allows the connection of an activity to a person.

    1. Navigate to All Users > Activity Tracking Templates
    2. In the Member box, choose the same member under which you created the workflow
    3. In the Template Name box, enter the name of the activity template 
    4. Click Add
    5. Enter at least a description
    6. Uncheck Auto-create WorkFlow
    7. In the Work Flow Name drop down, select the workflow created earlier
      A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generated
    8. Click Save

    Test DocuSign Documents

    DocuSign needs at least 20 documents signed via the Campus Café integration. 

    IMPORTANT: The test individual must have an email address tied to his or her Campus Café account. The user testing must also have access to permission 1198 to access the document portal.

    DocuSign templates that contain merge fields and routing beyond the student may only be assigned on the student's activity tracking page. Assignment of DocuSign activities using the People Finder, Course Roster or Database Trigger is not supported.
    1. Attach an activity (Person Selected > Activity Tracking) associated with a DocuSign template to the record. Add at least 20 of these activities
    2. Using the Document Portal (Person Selected > Document Portal) sign at least 20 of the activities associated with a DocuSign template.

    Request DocuSign Review

    1. Log in to your DocuSign development account at
    2. Click Settings
    3. Click Apps and Keys
    4. Click the Actions to the right of the key created for Campus Café
    5. Click Start Go-Live Review
    6. Click Submit for Review
    7. Wait 5-20 minutes for the review to complete. Refresh the webpage and check under Status. If all works well, it should say Review Passed.

    Request DocuSign Go Live

    1. After the review is passed, log in to your DocuSign development account at
    2. Click Settings
    3. Click Apps and Keys
    4. Click the Actions to the right of the key created for Campus Café
    5. Click Select Go-Live Account
    6. A series of popups will ask you to log in to your production DocuSign account
    7. The review may take a few business days but is typically a few hours
    8. When the Status says Live proceed to next step

    API Setup in DocuSign Production Environment

    1. Log in to your production DocuSign account at
    2. Click Settings
    3. Click Apps and Keys
    4. Next to the Campus Cafe app click Actions > Edit
    5. Copy the Integration Key for future use
    6. Under Authentication, choose Authorization Code Grant
    7. Under Service Integration, click + Generate RSA 
    8. Copy the private key and send to Campus Cafe support
    9. Click Close
    10. Under Redirect URIs, click Add URI
    11. Populate the redirect URI with the Campus Café redirect value for your institution: replacing abc with your school code
    12. Click Save
    13. Click on the Users menu item 
    14. Next to the user that Campus Cafe will use to create and send document envelopes click Actions and select Edit. 
    15. Copy the User ID for later use

    Map Campus Café to DocuSign Production Environment

    1. Log in to Campus Café
    2. Navigate to Admin > Web App Config

    Set the following parameters as follows:

    DOCUSIGN_AUTH_REDIRECT_URL - https://<your school address>/cafeweb/tl/login (unchanged)
    DOCUSIGN_IMPERSONATED_USER - the USER ID value retrieved for the user that Campus Café will impersonate.
    DOCUSIGN_INTEGRATOR_ID - the Integration Key from DocuSign (unchanged)
    DOCUSIGN_REDIRECT_URL - https://<your school address>/cafeweb/tl/login (unchanged)
    DocuSign REST API URL - https://[DocuSign server name]

    Send DocuSign Production Private Key to Campus Cafe

    Send the private key generated to Campus Cafe support, which will install the key and wait for Campus Cafe to confirm the key is installed before proceeding.

    Wait for confirmation from Campus Café that the key has been installed prior to proceeding.

    Campus Café DocuSign Authorization in Production Environment

    Campus Café must be authorized to impersonate a user defined in your DocuSign account. With the values described above generated and saved to Campus Café’s WebApp Config:

    1. Log in to Campus Café with an administrative level account (specifically, with permission 293)
    2. In your browser, enter the URL: replacing abc with your school code
    3. Click Request Authorization 
    4. Log into production DocuSign with the user created for Campus Café to impersonate
    5. Campus Café will now be approved to create document envelopes with DocuSign

    Attach Campus Café Workflows to Documents in DocuSign Production Environment 

    Follow the steps in the Set Up DocuSign Activity Tracking in Campus Café section to attach templates in the DocuSign production environment to Campus Café Workflows.

    Important: Student Preferred Email is the DocuSign access token for the student to access the assigned DocuSign envelope. If the preferred email is changed between assignment of the DocuSign activity, and clicking the "Sign Document" link, the Campus Cafe environment will refresh, but not send connect to the DocuSign environment.

    DocuSign Applicant & Student Experience 

    DocuSign templates that contain merge fields and routing beyond the student may only be assigned on the student's activity activity tracking page. Assignment of DocuSign activities using a People Finder, Course Roster or Database trigger is not supported.

    Applicant Admission Experience

    Once an Activity Tracking record has been added to an applicant account, the individual will see a Sign Document link on the Admissions Status Page (see below).

    A screenshot of a social media post

Description automatically generatedSign Document Example Upon clicking this link, the applicant will be forwarded to DocuSign to complete the signing task. After the signing task is completed, DocuSign will return the signed document as a PDF to Campus Café. The file will then be saved to the individual’s activity tracking record.

    Subsequent attempts to click on the ‘Sign Document’ link will return the student to the existing document in DocuSign.

    Applicant or Student Financial Aid Experience

    Documents will also appear on the Financial Aid Status Portal under the Forms section.

    Administrators reach the page by bringing up the person’s record and navigating to Person Selected > FinAd Status > Forms.

    Students and applicants reach the page by navigating to My Info > FinAd Status > Forms

    A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

    Upon clicking Sign Document, the applicant will be forwarded to DocuSign to complete the signing task. After the signing task is completed, DocuSign will return the signed document as a PDF to Campus Café. The file will then be saved to the individual’s activity tracking record.

    Subsequent attempts to click on the ‘Sign Document’ link will return the student to the existing document in DocuSign.

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