General Ledger Funds
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    General Ledger Funds

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    Article summary

    About GL Funds

    The General Ledger Funds allows the configuration of default accounts for financial transactions. Default accounts are required for use of Campus Café.


    Access GL Funds

    Permission #421 is required to access this function

    Navigate to Accounting > GL Funds

    The fiscal year should be entered as FYNNNN where NNNN represents the numeric part of the fiscal year. For example, Fiscal Year 2019 would be entered as FY1819

    You always have to have fund 0 to serve as the default. Only set up other funds if you need separate description or date.

    GL Fund Master Tab

    Site Name: Text to describe your institution

    A list of transaction types is displayed. Click in any box to select the general ledger account associated with the type of transaction.

    Cash Receipts: When a payment on a student ledger is made, the system will associate this general ledger account with the payment. A transaction code can be overridden to use a different account by checking the Override CC-GL as Cash Account box on the transaction code and specifying the Code-CC-GL-Fund for the cash account. Required if using student ledgers.

    Cash Disb. When the check register is run, the funds will draw from this general ledger account. Required if using the accounts payable module.

    Payables: When vouchers are entered, the general ledger account to hold accounts payable. Required if using the accounts payable module.

    Receivables: When students are billed, the accounts receivable will be associated with this general ledger account. Required if using student ledgers.

    Retained Earnings: When the accounting year is closed, the earnings carried from the prior year will be associated with this general ledger account. Required if using general ledger module.

    Check Books
    When selecting checks to pay, you may select a checkbook to use. This allows the institution to maintain different check registers associated with, for example, different financial institutions. These alternative checkbooks apply only to cash disbursements. Alternate checkbooks are defined in AP Control available on the Campus Cafe client. If none are set, the system will default to the general account specified in the Cash Receipts box above.

    Periods Tab

    The periods screen allows the institution to divide its accounting year into smaller segments of time, typically months. For example period 1 represents January, period 2 represents February, etc. Period 13 is useful for institutions that have four-week periods within a year.

    Enter the start and end date of each period. Alternatively, enter the first period and click Fill Dates. The system will calculate the remaining periods for the calendar year based on the first period entered.

    Copy GL Funds

    Permission #421 is required to access this function

    Default accounts may be copied from year to year. This is convenient if your default accounts remain the same.

    1. Navigate to Accounting > GL Funds
    2. In the Copy From Fiscal Year enter the fiscal that will be the source. Enter as FYNNNN where NNNN represents the year. For example FY1920 would be the 2019-2020 fiscal year
    3. In the Copy to Fiscal Year enter the new fiscal year. Enter as FYNNNN where NNNN represents the year. For example FY2021 would be the 2020-2021 fiscal year
    4. Click Copy Fund
    5. Next to the newly created fiscal year click the pencil
    6. Click the Period Dates tab. The screen allows the institution to divide its accounting year into smaller segments of time, typically months. For example period 1 represents January, period 2 represents February, etc. Period 13 is useful for institutions that have four-week periods within a year.Enter the start and end date of each period. Alternatively, enter the first period and click Fill Dates. The system will calculate the remaining periods for the calendar year based on the first period entered.
    7. Click Save

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