Inquiry Detail
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    Inquiry Detail

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    About the Inquiry Detail Screen

    Inquiries entered in the system will populate the inquiry detail screen that provides a high-level view of information. Additional information can be added or adjusted.

    An application for the inquirer can also be generated by using the Submit person as applicant drop down. Refer to Elevate Lead to Application documentation.

    Campus Cafe displays only the most current inquiry on this screen. Prior inquiries are not retained. If an individual submits a new inquiry and it is merged with an existing record, the inquiry data will merge with the most recent inquiry date displaying as the inquiry date.

    Access Inquiry Detail

    1. Navigate to the prospect
    2. Click Admissions
    3. Click the Inquiry Date

    Person-based Admissions Fields

    Admissions Progress Code: The status of the applicant. The typical business flow is Inquired > Applied > Accepted > Deposited.

    Admissions Residence Code: Controls billing rules for individuals who will live in institutional billed housing. It is important to understand the flow of information from this field as it affects the actual housing request in the housing module.

    Admissions Counselor: The individual responsible for managing the application. The selection here determines which users admissions dashboard displays the student. The counselor may be manually assigned or automatically assigned using round robin rules.

    Matriculate Code: Designate a inquirer as matriculating or non-matriculating. The National Student Clearinghouse Report will exclude any student set to Non-Matriculated if configured to exclude non-matriculating students. Campus Cafe recommends not adjusting these values as changing or adding to these values will cause significant programming, reporting and other impacts

    Transfer Code: These system-defined values designate the inquirer's highest level of completed education. This value drives the delivered IPEDS report. Campus Cafe recommends not adjusting these values as changing or adding to these values will cause significant programming, reporting and other impacts

    Continuing Ed Code: This box is populated to a Y or G if on the admissions portal config the CE code is specified as Y or G. Options may not be changed.

    Admissions Part Time Code: The inquirer's intended enrollment level. The financial aid module may be configured to utilize this field during packaging. Campus Cafe recommends not adjusting these values as changing or adding to these values will cause significant programming, reporting and other impacts

    Financial Aid Code: Indicate whether the inquirer plans to apply for financial aid. This field is only used to indicate that a prospect is interested in financial aid and should never be used to indicate that aid has been processed, received, etc. Campus Cafe recommends not adjusting these values as changing or adding to these values will cause significant programming, reporting and other impacts 

    Admissions Site Code: The site for which the inquirer is interested. The site may be physical, virtual or for internal organizational purposes. The application fee, enrollment deposit and housing deposit may be associated with different financial transaction codes depending on the site.

    Admissions Billing Site Code: The inquirer's admission site. Options set using STParm SBCONO

    Entering Semester: The semester the inquirer first intends to enroll

    Inquiry Major 1-3: The academic programs for which the inquirer has expressed interest

    Inquiry Minor 1-3: The academic minors for which the inquirer has expressed interest

    Inquiry Fields

    Inquiry Date: The date of the inquiry. Note that Campus Cafe only retains the most recent inquiry.

    Form Used For Entry: The admissions portal or other source of the inquiry. Read only.

    GPA at the last school attended (typically high school)

    Prior School GPA Base(out of): maximum possible GPA at the last school attended

    A standardized (normalized) GPA recalculated by your institution 

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