Queue Results
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    Queue Results

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    Article summary

    About Queue Results

    Queue results allow an activity to be placed on a person's record based on an action taken within an existing activity. For example, the activity Initial Phone Call is assigned to an applicant. An admissions representative calls the applicant but receives no answer. From within the Initial Phone Call activity, under Reminders, the representative chooses Rang No Answer from the To Do List. This creates a new activity associated with the applicant that has a due date 3 days from today.

    Create Queue Result

    Queue results must be associated with a workflow or activity tracking template within the same activity tracking member. 

    Create a Workflow

    For a workflow to work as part of a queue result, the Is Queuable box must be checked. Refer to the Creating Workflows documentation for additional documentation on workflows.

    Create Activity Tracking Template (Optional)

    Optionally create an activity tracking template. Creating a template allows a queue result to trigger multiple workflows.

    For an activity tracking template to work as part of a queue result, the Is Queuable box must be checked. Refer to the Creating Activities documentation for additional documentation on activities. 

    Create Queue Result

    1. Navigate to All Users > Queue Results
    2. In the Member drop down choose the Activity Tracking Member to associate with the queue result
    3. In the Result Name box enter the name of the queue result
    4. Click Add
      Description: Wording that appears in the reminder box on the activity when assigned
      Days Out: (Optional) The due date for the workflow or activity tracking template assigned will be the day it is assigned plus the number in this box
      Next Work Flow: The workflow to trigger when the queue result is selected. Used instead of Next Template.
      Next Template: The activity tracking template to trigger when the queue result is selected. Used instead of Next Work Flow.
      Assign to Same: Check to assign the triggered workflow or activity to the same user associated with the original activity. Use instead of Assign To Other.
      Assign To Other: Choose a user to assign the triggered workflow or activity to. Use instead of Assign to Same.
      Change Progress Code: (Optional) The individual associated with the triggered workflow or activity will have his or her admissions progress code changed to the specified value.
    5. Click Save
    6. Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache > reload data

    Trigger a Queue Result

    1. Navigate to an activity associated with a person
    2. Next to Reminder click the + icon
    3. From the To do drop down, choose the queue result
    4. Click Save

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