Record Attendance
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    Record Attendance

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    Article summary

    About Recording Attendance

    Campus Cafe includes an attendance feature that allows the recording of attendance for both clock-hour and credit-based schools. Attendance for clock-hour schools is recorded in hours/minutes attended. For credit-based schools the attendance roster may be utilized to mark students absent and/or confirm attendance was taken for the day. In both cases, Attendance Reports will summarize hours attended and absences.

    Ensure attendance is configured before recording attendance.

    Record Attendance Through a Class Roster

    Noting attendance was taken when explicit hours are not recorded

    In situations where explicit hours/minutes attended do not need to be recorded, instructors can navigate to the roster and, under the meeting date column, check the taken box. Checking this box explicitly indicates that attendance was taken. Otherwise, it would be unclear if no one was absent or if the instructor simply did not record attendance.

    Record Attendance Individually by Student

    1. Navigate to the Course Roster
    2. Scroll to the right to locate the meeting period to record attendance for or click Today's Attendance Columns to jump to the current date
    3. Under hours attended enter the hours attended (typically, only clock hour institutions explicitly record hours)
    4. Under minutes attended enter the minutes attended in addition to the hours attended (typically, only clock hour institutions explicitly record hours)
    5. Under absent check if the student was not present
    6. Under attendance notes choose a defined note
    7. Under comments enter a comment
    8. Attendance saves automatically


    In the example below, Allan attended 1 hour and 30 minutes, Gregory was absent, but excused due to a doctor's note and Charles attended 1 hour and 15 minutes without an explanation for missing 15 minutes. Note: At the bottom of the screen the system automatically checked the "Taken" box to indicate the instructor recorded attendance.

    Attendance RosterClass Attendance RosterRecord Hours/Minutes for a Group of Students

    1. Navigate to the course roster
    2. On the far left, check the students to apply the attended hours or minutes
    3. Above the roster click Edit
    4. A window appears; locate the day of the current week for which to record hours and enter the number of hours attended
    5. In the new window locate the day of the current week for which to record minutes and enter the number of minutes attended
    6. Click Update

    Editing Clock Time Hours and Attendance

    Permission #1200 is required to make edits or delete clock hours and attendance for present and absent records.  If set to NA, users will not be permitted to edit or delete the recorded attendance.

    Record Attendance Using Phone/Tablet (Self Service Attendance)

    Before using this feature, please be sure you have completed the configuration for Self Service Attendance.
    1. On your phone or tablet, navigate to < your Campus CafĂ© host URL>/cafeweb/mobile/       Example:
    2. Select the class for which you are recording attendance.
    3. Under the date the course meets, click the toggle to red to indicate a student is absent or leave the toggle green to indicate a student is present.
    4. Click "Accept" at the bottom of the screen to record the day's attendance.

    Important: Even if all students are present, you must click the "Accept" button in order to record attendance for that day. 

    Record Makeup Attendance (for clock hour programs)

    If a student makes up hours outside of the normal scheduled class times, do not record these extra hours on the class roster on a non-scheduled day. Doing so would signal to the system that all students should have attended that day and result in improper attendance percentages. Instead, use the Clock Time function.  Please note, if Permission 1200 is set to NA, the user will be able to add makeup attendance, but will not be permitted to edit or delete the records once entered.

    Clock Time

    1. Navigate to the student
    2. Navigate to the main menu > Person Selected > Attendance History
    3. Click Clock Time
    4. Enter the Semester, Date of Attendance, Course and Section for which to apply the hours
    5. Either enter the total number of hours/minutes attended OR enter an in and out time
    6. Click Save

    Record Transferred Attendance (for clock hour programs)

    Students in a clock hour program may be permitted to count hours attended under a different program at the institution or another institution toward their current program. For these hours to appear on attendance reports, the hours must be documented as transfer.

    Create a Placeholder Class

    This class will be used to hold the transferred hours. The class only needs to be created once and then may be used for all students.

    1. Navigate to Filters > Courses OR Registrar > Course Finder
    2. Click Add Course
    3. In the Course Semester box choose 999999 - Catalog Semester
      Tip: If the catalog semester is not shown, ensure in Registration Control it is set to active
    4. In Course Number enter a code to represent the class (e.g. TRAN001)
    5. In the Course Section enter 1
    6. Click Add
    7. In the Course Title enter a description of the placeholder class (e.g. Transferred Hours)
    8. Optionally, to exclude the class from the GPA or hide the course from the transcript or degree audit, click Codes and under Exclude from check GPA, Transcript, Degree Audit as desired
    9. Click Save & Back
    10. In the Course Semester box choose your transfer semester
      Tip: If the transfer semester is not shown, ensure in Registration Control it is set to active
    11. In Course Number enter the code to represent the class you entered earlier (e.g. TRAN001)
    12. In Course Section enter TT
    13. Click Add
    14. Click Save & Back

    Transfer Hours

    1. Navigate to the student
    2. Navigate to main menu > Person Selected > Enrollment History
    3. Next to Transfer School click Lookup
    4. Locate the institution where the hours were earned (this may be your institution)
    5. Next to the institution click Select
    6. In the Transfer Semester choose the institution's transfer semester 
    7. In the Original Course enter a code representing the initial course
    8. In the Target Course choose the placeholder course (e.g. TRAN001)
    9. In the Section(opt) enter TT
    10. Click Add
    11. In the Scheduled Hours Override enter the number of hours
    12. Click Save & Back
    13. Navigate to main menu > Person Selected > Attendance History
    14. Click Clock Time
    15. In the Semester box choose the Transfer semester
    16. For the date, enter a date the hours were earned (a single date can represent the total hours)
    17. In the course enter the placeholder course (e.g. TRAN001)
    18. In the Section enter TT
    19. In the Hours enter the number of hours
    20. In the Minutes enter the number of minutes
    21. Click Save

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