Registration Control
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    Registration Control

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    Article summary

    About Registration Control

    Registration control controls when students and advisors may register for courses. Permissions may be set by permission group to allow overriding these dates during registration.

    Control Registration Dates

    Permission #226 is required to access this function.

    1. Navigate to Registrar > Period Setup > Registration Control
    2. Click Add
    3. Complete the fields as desired:

    Semester: The numerical code (STParm) of the semester. Example, 202320.

    SubSemester: The SubSemester to control. Each semester must have a registration control without SubSemester before registration controls for SubSemesters may be created.

    Start Date: Defines the first day of registration. It is not the start date of the semester; the begin date for the semester is found on the Semester Dates Listing page.

    End Date: Defines the last day of registration, inclusive of a drop period. It is not the last date of the semester; the end date for the semester is found on the Semester Dates Listing page.

    Freshman Start Date: This is the first date students with a class level of 1 ("freshman" by default) will be allowed to register provided they are explicitly approved to register by an advisor. If a student is not explicitly approved to register by the advisor, the student will be able to register beginning on the Start Date. The class level will be the actual class level unless custom control WEBUSEASSU is set to Y, in which case the class level will be the assumed class level.

    Sophomore Start Date: Defines the first date students with a class level of 2 ("sophomore" by default) will be permitted to register provided they are explicitly approved to register by an advisor. If a student is not explicitly approved to register by the advisor, the student will be able to register beginning on the Start Date. The class level will be the actual class level unless custom control WEBUSEASSU is set to Y, in which case the class level will be the assumed class level.

    Junior Start Date: Defines the first date students with a class level of 3 ("junior" by default) will be permitted to register provided they are explicitly approved to register by an advisor. If a student is not explicitly approved to register by the advisor, the student will be able to register beginning on the Start Date. The class level will be the actual class level unless custom control WEBUSEASSU is set to Y, in which case the class level will be the assumed class level.

    Senior Start Date: Defines the first date students with a class level of 4 ("senior" by default) will be allowed to register provided they are explicitly approved to register by an advisor. If a student is not explicitly approved to register by the advisor, the student will be able to register beginning on the Start Date. The class level will be the actual class level unless custom control WEBUSEASSU is set to Y, in which case the class level will be the assumed class level.

    Max Courses Less Than 3 Credits: This field holds the maximum number of courses a student may enroll in that are less than 3 credits. If a student tries to register for more than this number of under 3 credit courses an error message will appear.

    Max Courses Greater than/equal to 3 credits: This field holds the maximum number of courses a student may enroll in that are 3 credits or more. If a student tries to register for more than this number of 3+ credit courses an error message will appear.

    Minimum Required Credits: This field holds the minimum credits a student must be enrolled in during the semester. If not set to 0, students will get an error when they attempt to drop course that brings them under this level.

    Maximum Credits this semester: This field holds the maximum credits a student can be enrolled in during the semester. This field is generally set to 99.0 as a default.

    Comment: This field holds a comment for the semester.

    Deficiency Grade View Date: This field contains the date when deficiency grades can be viewed.

    Final Grade View Date: This field defines the date when final grades can be viewed. Prior to this date course grades will appear as IP (In Progress) on Transcripts, Degree Audits, and Class schedules/grades.

    Year Grade View Date: This field defines the date when grades entered on a yearly basis may be viewed, if applicable. Prior to this date courses graded on a yearly basis will appear as IP (In Progress) on Transcripts, Degree Audits, and Class schedules/grades.

    Room View Date: This field contains the date when rooms will appear on Class schedules/grades, course listings and faculty schedule.

    Faculty Schedule View Date: This field contains the date when faculty members can see their schedules. Be sure to add the registration control record and set this date prior to copying the schedule for future semesters. If the record for the semester does not exist and the courses are copied, faculty will be able to view their schedule.

    Student Schedule View Date: This field contains the default date for students to view their schedules.

    Student Schedule Freshman Override View Date: This field contains the date for freshman to view their schedules. A freshman is a student whose class level=1. If the default value is left in this field the Student Schedule View Date will be used.

    Student Schedule Sophomore Override View Date: This field contains the date for sophomores to view their schedules. A sophomore is a student whose class level=2. If the default value is left in this field the Student Schedule View Date will be used.

    Student Schedule Junior Override View Date: This field contains the date for juniors to view their schedules. A junior is a student whose class level=1. If the default value is left in this field the Student Schedule View Date will be used.

    Student Schedule Senior Override View Date: This field contains the date for seniors to view their schedules. A senior is a student whose class level=1. If the default value is left in this field the Student Schedule View Date will be used.

    Mid-Term Grade Restriction: This field contains the Mid-Term Grade Restriction Code, which is used to restrict the locking of the mid-term grade based upon the parameter entered here. Allowable parameters are A=Allowed; R=Required, N=Not Allowed. If Not Allowed, the Mid-Term Grade field will not be shown on the course roster screen. If Mid-Term grade is required, the submit-lock of the comments will confirm that the grade is entered before comments are permitted to be locked.

    Mid-Term Comment Restriction: This field contains the Mid-Term Comment Restriction Code, which is used to restrict the locking of comments based upon the parameter entered here. Allowable parameters are A=Allowed; R=Required, N=Not Allowed. If Not Allowed, the Mid-Term Comment field will not be shown on the course roster screen. If Mid-Term Comment is required, the submit-lock of the comments will confirm that a comment is entered for each record before comments are permitted to be locked.

    Final Grade Restriction: This field contains the Final Grade Restriction Code, which is used to restrict the locking of the final grade based upon the parameter entered here. Allowable parameters are A=Allowed; R=Required, N=Not Allowed. If Not Allowed, the Final Grade field will be read only on the course roster screen. If Final grade is required, the submit-lock of the comments will confirm that the grade is entered before comments are permitted to be locked.

    Final Comment Restriction: This field contains the Final Comment Restriction Code, which is used to restrict the locking of comments based upon the parameter entered here. Allowable parameters are A=Allowed; R=Required, N=Not Allowed. If Not Allowed, the Final Comment field will not be shown on the course roster screen. If Final Comment is required, the submit-lock of the comments will confirm that a comment is entered for each record before comments are permitted to be locked.

    Year Grade Restriction: This field contains the Year Grade Restriction Code, which is used to restrict the locking of year grade based upon the parameter entered here. Allowable parameters are A=Allowed; R=Required, N=Not Allowed. If Not Allowed, the Year Grade field will be read only on the course roster screen. If Year grade is required, the submit-lock of the comments will confirm that the grade is entered before comments are permitted to be locked.

    Year Comment Restriction: This field contains the Year Comment Restriction Code, which is used to restrict the locking of comments based upon the parameter entered here. Allowable parameters are A=Allowed; R=Required, N=Not Allowed. If Not Allowed, the Year Comment field will not be shown on the course roster screen. If Year Comment is required, the submit-lock of the comments will confirm that a comment is entered for each record before comments are permitted to be locked.

    Semester Active: This field controls which semesters are available in the semester drop downs. If a user does not have No Access Restriction placed upon 670 in the global module, all semesters are available regardless if they are active. In the student module if No Access is assigned to restriction 669, this will also control pick semester there as well.

    Semester Billing Active: Check to enable real-time billing. Group billing will work regardless of if the box is checked.

    Allow Advisor Approval: If this box is checked advisors have the ability to approve students for registration for this semester. The pick semester drop down in the advisor listing will only include semesters for which this box is checked provided No Access Restriction is not placed upon 669 in the advisor module.

    Field Placement Active: This flag must be checked to allow administrative access to a placement term. This does not apply to student’s registration ability which is tied to the semester active flag.

           5. Click Save

    Control Registration by Class Year

    Campus Café can support different registration times for up to four distinct populations of students based on earned credits. The specific dates are set in Registration Control, but as a prerequisite, the levels must be defined and the process to calculate class year turned on.

    Configure class years

    Class years may vary by major.

    1. Navigate to Admin > Academic Maintenance > Majors
    2. Click the pencil icon next to the major
    3. In the Credits to Graduate, enter the total credits required to graduate
    4. In the Year 1 Credits Per Semester leftmost box enter the number of credits a full-time student should complete by the end of his or her first semester of the first year
    5. In the Year 1 Credits Per Semester second to leftmost box enter the number of credits a full-time student should complete by the end of his or her second semester of the first year
    6. In the subsequent Year 1 Credits Per Semester boxes to the right enter the number of credits a full-time student should complete by the end of his or her third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth semester of the first year. Use only boxes that apply to your institution.
    7. If applicable to the major, repeat the credits for Years 2-5
    8. Click Save

    Activate class year calculation process

    The class year calculation process calculates the class year by summing earned credits and comparing the total to the major setup. The process runs nightly.

    1. Navigate to Admin > System Setup > Custom Control
    2. Search ProgramId GPA_LINE
    3. Click the pencil icon
    4. In Parameter Value 1 enter Y
    5. In Parameter Value 2 enter 0
    6. Click Save


    • Permissions 348 and 567 controls whether the user must respect the class level registration restriction.
    • Permissions 530 and 566 controls whether the warning dialog box appears.

    Control Registration by Site

    Limiting course registration by site is useful if you have a group of students who are dedicated to a fixed selection of courses. The sites need not be physical, but could be a way to separate day and evening students, continuing education and traditional students, or online and on-campus students.

    The system works by first evaluating the permission of the user attempting the registration. Permission 516 in the global module controls whether the user must abide by the rule set. If the permission is set to NA the user will not have the course list restricted by site. Otherwise the courses will be restricted by the ruleset.

    The system the evaluates the student site on the student’s current degree and the course site associated with the course being added. If a rule exists, the only courses displayed will be those in the ruleset. If a student is associated with a site not in the ruleset, the student will be able to see and register for courses at all sites. 

    Impact on Public Course Listing

    The Public Course Listing is subject to the permissions in group WEBDEFAULT. If permission 516 is configured as to filter courses by site in the WEBDEFAULT, then the Public Course Listing will not display any courses because the site of the user is unknown. If restricting registration by site and a public course catalog is desired, it is recommended that the students be in a group other than WEBDEFAULT, so as not to affect the Public Course Listing.

    Set Site Rules

    1. Navigate to Admin > System Setup > Custom Control
    2. Locate Program Id WEBREGSITE
    3. Click the pencil icon
    4. Each parameter value represents one site rule. Enter the site number, followed by a colon followed by the site or sites the student may register for. Multiple sites should be separated by a comma. For example, to allow site 1 to register for sites 2 and 3, enter 1:2,3
       The system supports a maximum of 10 rules
    5. Click Save

    Control Registration by Advisor Approval and Class Level

    Campus Café can be configured to require that either or both of a student's advisors explicitly grant the student the ability to register. This is also the only way to set registration dates by class level (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior).

    The advisor approval process only works on students that already have been assigned an advisor. Only the student's advisor can approve a student for registration.

    Configure system to require either or both advisors

    Campus Cafe supports the assignment of two academic advisors to a student. The system may be configured to require either or both advisors to approve the student for registration.

    1. Navigate to Admin > System Setup > Custom Control
    2. Search ProgramID WEBREGAPPR
    3. Click the pencil icon next to WEBREGAPPR, Sequence 1, Parameter 1
    4. In the Parameter Value 1 enter E for either advisor to be able to approve the student for registration or enter B if approval from both advisors is required
    5. Click Save
    6. Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > System Tasks > Refresh Data Cache > reload cached data

    The message stating advisor approval is needed or complete shown on the student's registration page is controlled by permission #284. The message text may be customized in Adjustable Text Maintenance (Admin > Adjustable Text Maintenance). The messages appear under name CRS_APRV_PRIMARY_MSG, CRS_APRV_SECOND_MSG, CRS_PEND_PRIMARY_MSG and CRS_PEND_PRIMARY_MSG.

    Configure approval if advisor changes

    If a student's advisor changes after he or she approves a student, Campus Cafe must know whether to continue to allow the student to register or whether to require approval of the new advisor.

    1. Navigate to Admin > System Setup > Custom Control
    2. Search ProgramID ADVCHGPERM
    3. Click the pencil icon next to ADVCHGPERM, Sequence 1, Parameter 1
    4. In Parameter Value 1 box enter N if the new advisor must approve the student for registration; enter Y if the previous approval remains valid upon advisor change
    5. Click Save
    6. Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > System Tasks > Refresh Data Cache > reload cached data

    Approve students for registration

    Once approved for registration, the system will lock the registration date for the student based on the student's class level or, if the student has no class level, the registration control start date. Once approved, adjusting the dates in registration control will not alter registration dates for previously approved students.
    1. Only the student's advisor can approve a student for registration
    2. While logged in as the student's advisor, navigate to the student finder
    3. Return the population of students to approve for registration
    4. Click the Advisor Mode button
    5. In the Advisor Mode drop down, choose the semester
    6. In the drop down to the right, choose whether to show all students, only those already approved for registration or only those not approved for registration (unapproved).
    7. Click Submit
    8. To approve students for registration, click Approve Students
    9. To lock student schedules click Accept (Lock) Courses of Approved Students

    View advisor approval history

    The system logs who approved a student for registration.

    Permission #1153 is required to access this function.

    1. Navigate to the student
    2. Navigate to the main menu > Person Selected > Advising History

    Rescind advisor approval history

    This will allow the individual to register on the Registration Control Start Date.

    Permission #1153 is required to access this function.

    1. Navigate to the student record
    2. Navigate to the main menu > Person Selected > Academics > Advising History
    3. Click the pencil icon next to the semester to edit
    4. Click Delete

    Change registration date

    Permission #1153 is required to access this function.

    To change the allowed registration date:

    1. Navigate to the student record
    2. Navigate to the main menu > Person Selected > Academics > Advising History
    3. Click the pencil icon next to the semester to update
    4. Adjust the Start date to reflect the date the student is permitted to register
    5. Adjust the End date to reflect the last day of the add/drop registration window
    6. Click Save

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