Enter or Upload Scores
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    Enter or Upload Scores

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    Article summary

    About Lead and Scores Upload From Spreadsheet

    As part of an application for admission an institution may require scores from tests such as the SAT or ACT. Scores can be entered or uploaded to Campus Cafe. 


    • The tests (e.g. SAT, ACT, AP) must be set up prior to entering scores.
    • If uploading scores from a spreadsheet, must configure column mappings.

    Enter Scores for Individual Student

    Permission #775 is required to access this function

    1. Navigate to the student
    2. Navigate to main menu > Person Selected > Scores
    3. In the Score Type to Add drop down choose the score to add
    4. Click Add
    5. Enter the results of the test
    6. Click Save

    Upload Scores

    Permission #745 is required to access this function

    Campus Cafe supports only one score per official score date. If a student takes the same test multiple times, ensure that the test date attempt (official score date) appears in the spreadsheet, so the new score is added to the individual’s record. Scores existing in Campus Café without official score dates will never be overridden by this upload process.
    1. Navigate to Admissions > Scores Upload From Spreadsheet
      Mapping: The file layout. Related documentation on setting up file layouts.
      Send results to this email address: The results of the upload, including records unable to be matched to existing people, will be emailed to this address upon completion of the process
      Inquiry Semester: If a new person record is created, an inquiry will be created indicating the individual has expressed interest in this semester. The semester must exist in Registration Control.
      Progress Code: For scores with people not already in Campus Cafe, the system will create a new record and assign the admissions progress code selected here. Only progress codes L (lead) and I (inquired) are supported. The admissions progress codes of existing individuals will remain the same.
      (Source) Tracking Template: Individuals uploaded will have this activity assigned to their record. Institutions may wish to select an activity that identifies the source of the leads if uploading leads.
      Second Tracking Form: Individuals uploaded will have this activity assigned to their record. Institutions may wish to select an activity that identifies the source of the leads if uploading leads.
      Score Type: The type of test (e.g. SAT)
      Secondary Source: The Campus Cafe code that will be entered in the Source field on the activity assigned. Codes are defined using STParm XXSCNO.
    2. Click Browse and select the file containing the scores
    3. Click Submit. The process will run in the background. You may leave the page or log out of Campus Cafe. An email will be sent when the process completes.

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