Set up Admissions Control
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    Set up Admissions Control

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    Article summary

    About Admissions Control

    The admissions control page along with settings on other pages controls what is shown on the admissions dashboard and in some base reports.

    Access Admissions Control

    Permission #208 is required to access this function.

    1. Navigate to Admissions > Admissions Control
      Entering Semester: Inquiries and applicants with an expected entering semester equal to or greater than the one selected here will be shown on the admissions dashboard. These inquiries and applicants will appear even if their inquired date is older than the number of days specified in custom control Dashboard, Sequence 1, Parameter 1. Inquiries and applicants with an admissions progress code set in custom control ADMDASHPRG, Sequence 1, Parameter 1 will not appear on the dashboard. Set semester to 999999 for the semester forward feature not to apply.
      Next Counselor To Be Assigned: If using round robin counselor assignment by Zip code or EPS code, choose the individual to be assigned to the next prospect.
      Site Name: The institution's name; may be used on base reports
      Site Address: The institution's physical or mailing location; may be used on base reports
      Sites Address 2: The institution's physical or mailing location; may be used on base reports
      Site City: The institution's locality; may be used on base reports
      Site State: The institution's state; may be used on base reports
      Site Zip: The institution's postal code; may be used on base reports
      Site Zip 2: The institution's postal code; may be used on base reports

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