Student Fin. Aid Status
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    Student Fin. Aid Status

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    Article summary

    About Student Portal Financial Aid Status Portal

    The financial aid student portal allows applicants and students to see aspects about their financial aid status and awards.


    The following permissions are needed for the applicant or student to see the Financial Aid Portal:

    • 1126 - located in "494:My Info" - Financial Aid Status Page (view financial aid status page)
    • 1158 - located in "355:Global" - Fin Aid Status Attachment (upload missing documents)
    • 1196 - located in "355:Global" - Attachment Access In Your Own Portals (see financial aid missing documents)
    • For documents to be uploaded, the applicant or student must have access to the activity tracking member and the workflow must be configured to allow the tracked user to upload an attachment.

    Profile Tab

    The Profile Tab gives general contact information.

    Cost of Attendance Tab

    The Cost of Attendance tab gives the set COA breakdown of the student's current program for the current year.

    Estimated Award Amounts

    Estimated Award Amounts tab gives students the overall maximum packaged amounts for the year; this also shows the student's payment plan if applicable. 


    The forms tab shows Activity Tracking Workflows that are marked with the "Missing Document" category for students to upload. Triggers can be set to notify the financial aid office when documents are uploaded for a student. Activity workflows not marked with the "Missing Document" category will be viewable under the student's normal Activity Tracking areas.

    Estimated Financing

    The Estimated Financing tab shows two buttons, "Estimated Financing" and "Subsidized Loan Need Determination". The Estimated Financing button is essentially the Award Letter for the student. The Subsidized Loan Need Determination button shows the student the need calculation methodology.

    California Schools
    California state grant "CAL" can be added to the Sub Need determination through the Custom Control FA_LETTER 3-2

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