Student Specific Substitutions and Waivers
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    Student Specific Substitutions and Waivers

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    Article summary


    Institutions may desire to allow a specific student to use a class to fulfill a requirement for which the class does not typically fulfill. Institutions may also desire to waive a specific requirement for a specific student or exclude a class altogether from the degree audit. Campus Cafe accommodates student-specific substitutions, waivers and exclusions.


    Campus Cafe supports indicating that  one course will substitute for a requirement. A course may override only one requirement.

    1. Navigate to the student
    2. Click Student Degree
    3. Click Enrollment History
    4. Next to the course that will fulfill the requirement, click the pencil icon
    5. Locate the section Degree Audit: Substitution For Degree Audit Requirement
    6. In the Degree Audit Level drop down select the level
    7. In the Requirement box enter the Requirement code the class will fulfill
    8. Click Save


    An institution may choose to waive a requirement entirely. A waiver can be accomplished by creating a dummy course in a dummy semester (although it could be a real semester and course) and enrolling the student in that course with a grade of WV (or the grade in the Quality Points Table with the Is Waiver and Earned boxes checked) and a credit amount of 0.00. 

    To determine the number of credits to be used toward the requirement, the degree audit uses the course catalog  (semester 999999) credits for the waiver enrollment. If the requirement is met (number of credits satisfy requirement) WAV for waived will appear in the Met? column on the degree audit. 

    Exclude Waived Classes From the Transcript

    Waived classes will appear on the transcript unless Custom Control RG350DB, sequence 77, parameter 5 is set to Y. This configuration change requires a server reboot.


    Campus Cafe supports excluding a course from the degree audit. This will remove the class entirely from the degree audit but keep the course on the transcript.

    1. Navigate to the student
    2. Click Student Degree
    3. Click Enrollment History
    4. Next to the course that will fulfill the requirement, click the pencil icon
    5. Locate the section Degree Audit: Substitution For Degree Audit Requirement
    6. Check the Exclude From Degree Audit Box
    7. Click Save

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