CourseKey (Attendance)
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    CourseKey (Attendance)

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    Article summary

    About CourseKey Integration

    CourseKey is a third-party vendor specializing in recording student attendance. Campus Cafe offers an integration with CourseKey to facilitate the transfer of information between the two systems. Customers are responsible for contracting with CourseKey directly.

    This process integrates courses, students, instructors and enrollments from Campus Cafe to CourseKey. As students are enrolled in courses in Campus Cafe, they will be enrolled in the corresponding CourseKey course. As instructors are assigned to courses in Campus Cafe, they will be assigned to the corresponding course in CourseKey. The process will create in CourseKey students and users who do not exist already in the system.

    The process also retrieves attendance from CourseKey and imports it into the Campus Cafe attendance module.


    • Contact CourseKey to obtain your School IDs, Auth Keys and Time Zones for each set
    • Establish course sites in Campus Cafe using STParm RCCONO
    • All courses must have an associated course site in Campus Cafe


    • For a single attendance record that spans multiple days, Campus Cafe will record only the total time attended, not the days.
    • Customers are discouraged from manually setting a student's individual course last day attended in Campus Cafe and instead allowing the connection to CourseKey to determine the last day attended. Manually adjusting the last day attended in Campus Cafe will delete attendance records after that date in Campus Cafe but not in CourseKey thereby creating a mismatch between systems.

    Campus Cafe STParm Configuration

    CourseKey Attendance Names (also known as Delivery Method or Attendance Config) must be established in Campus Cafe. Attendance Names are associated with individual Campus Cafe course sections.

    1. Navigate to Admin > STParm Maintenance
    2. Locate Parameter Code RGENCD to view a list of existing CourseKey attendance names
    3. To add an option, in the Parameter Code box enter RGENCD
    4. In the Parameter Value box enter a short code to describe the option
    5. Click Add
    6. In Description enter the Course Key Attendance Name as defined in CourseKey beginning with the enrollment code number.  For example, the STParm description of enrollment code 4 (which is sent to CourseKey as attendanceName) also needs to begin with a '4:'(e.g., Internship would be entered as 4:Internship).
    7. In Long Description enter text to characterize the option
    8. Click Save and Back
    9. Repeat steps 3-8 to add additional options
    10. Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache > reload data

    Campus Cafe Web App Configuration

    1. Navigate to Admin > Web App Config
    2. Locate and set values for the below parameters
    COURSEKEY_AUTO_QUEUE_ITEMSIf set to Y, the system will queue courses and enrollments created prior to the number of days specified in COURSEKEY_COURSE_DAYS_ACTIVE_BEF_BEGIN and COURSEKEY_ENROLLMENT_DAYS_ACTIVE_BEF_BEGIN for creation in CourseKey.
    COURSEKEY_AWARDED_TIME_ATTENDANCE_NAMESAttendance Names for courses that use the Awarded Time default value. List multiple CourseKey attendance names separated by |. For example: Flexible Lab|Blended Capstone
    COURSEKEY_AWARDED_TIME_MINUTESDefault awarded time in seconds for asynchronous assignments
    COURSEKEY_BASE_URLIf connecting to the CourseKey test environment enter
    If connecting to the CourseKey production environment enter
    COURSEKEY_COURSE_ADMINSList of course admin Campus Cafe ID numbers separated by |. Users will be made admins to all CourseKey integration courses.
    COURSEKEY_COURSE_DAYS_ACTIVE_BEF_BEGINNumber of days before course begin date that courses are setup in CourseKey
    COURSEKEY_COURSE_NAME_FORMATControls the short name of the course section created in CourseKey. Variables supported are @SEMESTER@, @COURSE_NUMBER@, @COURSE_SECTION@, @COURSE_TITLE@ and @SEMESTER_DESCRIPTION@. For example, for the Fall 2021 class (Intro to Math, MTH101, Section 4 setting this value to @COURSE_NUMBER@ - @COURSE_SECTION@: @COURSE_TITLE@ in @SEMESTER_DESCRIPTION@ would create the section in Canvas called "MTH101 - 4: Intro to Math in Fall 2021"
    COURSEKEY_COURSE_OWNERCouseKey username (email) of course owner. Must be valid user for all CoursKey Auth Keys.
    COURSEKEY_COURSE_TITLE_FORMATControls the long title of the course section created in CourseKey. Variables supported are @SEMESTER@, @COURSE_NUMBER@, @COURSE_SECTION@, @COURSE_TITLE@ and @SEMESTER_DESCRIPTION@. For example, for the Fall 2021 class (Intro to Math, MTH101, Section 4 setting this value to @COURSE_NUMBER@ - @COURSE_SECTION@: @COURSE_TITLE@ in @SEMESTER_DESCRIPTION@ would create the section in Canvas called "MTH101 - 4: Intro to Math in Fall 2021"
    COURSEKEY_CUTOVER_SEMESTERThe Campus Cafe semester numerical code (e.g. 20210) of the first semester to sync between Campus Cafe and CourseKey
    COURSEKEY_EMAILEmail account that should receive Campus Café CourseKey Connector error notifications. Can enter multiple emails separated by commas.
    COURSEKEY_ENROLLMENT_DAYS_ACTIVE_AFT_ENDEnrollments will stop syncing after the course end date if this is set to 0. Set a higher number for enrollments to stop syncing after the course end date. For example, set 5, enrollments would stop syncing file days after the course end date.
    COURSEKEY_ENROLLMENT_DAYS_ACTIVE_BEF_BEGINEnrollments will sync for registrations starting the entered number of days prior to the course start date. Registrations that occur prior to this date will not be processed in CourseKey unless COURSEKEY_AUTO_QUEUE_ITEMS is set to Y.
    COURSEKEY_EXPORT_BASE_URLIf connecting to the CourseKey test environment enter
    If connecting to the CourseKey production environment enter
    COURSEKEY_EXPORT_TIME_ATTENDED_DAYS_PRIORThe number of days of attendance to retrieve from CourseKey and import to Campus Cafe. This should be double the amount of the frequency you run the export. For example, if you run the export daily, then the minimum value here would be 2. This will allow the process to 2 chances at retrieving time attended.
    COURSEKEY_INSTRUCTOR_ADD_ONLYIf set to Y, the connector will only add instructors from Campus Cafe courses to CourseKey sections. If set to N, the connector will add instructors and remove them from CourseKey courses if removed from Campus Cafe courses.
    COURSEKEY_NO_ATTENDANCE_SESSION_SYNCCourseKey attendance names that do not sync sessions with CourseKey. List multiple CourseKey attendance names separated by | For example: Flexible Lab|Blended Capstone
    COURSEKEY_REMOVE_FROM_QUEUE_DAYSHow long to keep a technical log of sync actions. Campus Cafe recommends "30"
    COURSEKEY_SEND_EMAIL_TO_NEW_USERIf set to Y, CourseKey will send newly created users in CourseKey an email with instructions for logging in
    COURSEKEY_SET_USER_PASSWORDUsers created by the connector in CourseKey will have their password set to their Campus Cafe password. If no Campus Cafe password exists, the password will be set to the Campus Cafe maintenance password.
    COURSEKEY_TIMEZONEEnter the timezone of your institution. US/Eastern; US/Central; US/Mountain or US/Pacific Case sensitive
    COURSEKEY_USE_LMS_EXCLUDE_FLAGIf set to Y, then courses with the Exclude from LMS box checked will not be included in the integration

    Campus Cafe Custom Control Configuration

    1. Navigate to Admin > Custom Control Maintenance
    2. Locate ProgramID CRSKEYAUTH
    3. Next to CRSKEYAUTH Sequence 1, Paramater 1 click the pencil icon
    4. In Parameter Value 1 box enter the Course Key Auth Key and time zone separated by two pipes || Time zone format is in the tz database format For example US/Eastern. Complete list.
    5. In Parameter Value 2 box enter the Course Key School ID and course site separated by two pipes ||
    6. For an additional Auth Key /School ID pairs use Parameter Value 3 (for the Auth Key and time zone) and Parameter Value 4 (for the School ID and course site). May use all available parameter values to accommodate additional pairs. Click Save (If more than five pairs are required create a Prog ID CRSKEYAUTH Seq #2. )

    Configure Courses

    Attendance Name

    All course sections must be associated with a CourseKey Attendance Name to indicate the type of attendance. 

    1. Navigate to Filters > Courses
    2. Locate the desired course and click the magnifying glass next to it
    3. Click the Codes tab
    4. In Enrollment Code 4 choose the attendance name
    5. Click Save


    Blended courses must be configured with the number of synchronous and asynchronous hours.

    1. Navigate to Filters > Courses
    2. Locate the desired course and click the magnifying glass next to it
    3. Click the Course tab
    4. In Contact Hours enter the number of synchronous hours
    5. In Lab Hours enter the number of asynchronous hours
    6. Click Save

    Manual Sync

    Enrollments and course creations and changes made in Campus Cafe will be queued to send to CourseKey. To send these changes to CourseKey for processing, launch the manual sync.

    Permission #1236 is required to access this function.

    View number of pending changes

    1. Navigate to Registrar > LMS Management
    2. Click Switch to CourseKey View
    3. The number next to Unprocessed Queue Entries Count indicates the number of changes waiting to sync.

    Queue enrollments and send to CourseKey

    You can direct Campus Cafe to send all enrollments for an entire semester or specific course or specific section to CourseKey regardless of when the students registered.

    1. Navigate to Registrar > LMS Management
    2. Click Switch to CourseKey View
    3. In the Semester Box enter the Campus Cafe semester code (e.g. 202110)
    4. Optionally, to limit the enrollments all sections of a course, in the Course box enter the full course code (e.g. MTH100)
    5. Optionally, to limit the enrollments to a single section of a course, in the Section box enter the section number (e.g. 14)
    6. Click Add Enrollments to API Queue

    Queue courses to be created in Canvas

    You can direct Campus Cafe to create all courses for an entire semester or specific course or specific section.

    1. Navigate to Registrar > LMS Management
    2. Click Switch to CourseKey View
    3. In the Semester Box enter the Campus Cafe semester code (e.g. 202110)
    4. Optionally, to limit course creations to all sections of a course, in the Course box enter the full course code (e.g. MTH100)
    5. Optionally, to limit course creations to a single section of a course, in the Section box enter the section number (e.g. 14)
    6. Click Add Courses to API Queue

    Process all pending changes

    This queue represents all changes (enrollments, changes to names, etc.) made in Campus Cafe that are waiting to be sent to CourseKey.

    1. Navigate to Registrar > LMS Management
    2. Click Switch to CourseKey View
    3. The number next to Unprocessed Queue Entries Count indicates the number of changes waiting to sync
    4. Click Click Here to Manually Run queue processor for 100 entries
    5. If necessary, click Click Here to Manually Run queue processor for 100 entries again to process the next 100 entries and repeat until nothing remains in queue

    Automatic Sync

    After testing the connection, contact Campus Cafe support to request a near real-time connection be activated if desired. Changes made in Campus Cafe will typically update in CourseKey within a half hour.

    Upon Sync Error

    If a change cannot be made in CourseKey, the system will send an email to the email address listed in the Web App Config COURSEKEY_EMAIL. The email will only be sent for changes that fail. Other transactions in the queue that did not encounter issues will still process. Put another way, a single failure will not prevent other changes from processing.

    Queue History Log

    The queue history log shows the results of synchronization attempts between Campus Cafe and CourseKey. For example, if a student's enrollment is not transferred to CourseKey, the history log will show why.

    Access the log

    1. Log in to Campus Cafe
    2. Navigate to Registrar > LMS Management
    3. Click Queue History Log

    Importing CourseKey attendance into Campus Cafe

    You can direct Campus Cafe to import time attended data for all CourseKey courses that belong to the School IDs and Auth Keys that have been configured (see section Campus Cafe Custom Control).  Remember to set the import specific Campus Cafe Web Application Configurations  COURSEKEY_EXPORT_BASE_URL and COURSEKEY_EXPORT_TIME_ATTENDED_DAYS_PRIOR (see section Campus Cafe Web App Configuration).

    Manual Sync

    1. Navigate to Registrar > LMS Management
    2. Click Switch to CourseKey View
    3. Click Run Student Time Attended Import

    Automatic Sync

    After testing the manual sync, contact Campus Cafe support to request a scheduled import to be activated if desired. Changes made in Campus Cafe will typically update in CourseKey with a nightly import.

    Upon Sync Error

    The system will send an email to the email address listed in the Web App Config COURSEKEY_EMAIL, every time the import is run. The email will provide a summary of records imported as well as any errors for records that were unable to updated in Campus Cafe.

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