Establish Dorms and Dorm Rooms
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    Establish Dorms and Dorm Rooms

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    About Dorms and Dorm Rooms

    Establishing dorms (residence halls) and individual rooms is required before assigning individual students to housing accommodations, and billing for housing.

    Establish Dorms

    Prior to establishing individual dorm rooms, dorms must be established. 

    1. Navigate to Registrar > Dorm Listing
    2. Click New Dorm
      Dorm Name: Enter the name of the dorm
      Room Area: An informational two-digit code to describe the room
      Description: Enter text that describes the dorm, for example, the formal name of the dorm
    3. Click Create

    Establish Dorm Rooms

    Dorm rooms are unique rooms assigned to individual student(s) and may be associated with a specific billing rate.

    1. Navigate to Registrar > Dorm Room Listing
    2. Click New Dorm Room
      Dorm Name: Select the dorm that houses the room
      Room Number: Enter the number associated with the residential unit
      Semester: Enter the semester this room will be assigned. Semesters must be active in Registration Control to appear in this drop down.
      Phone: Enter the phone number of the residential unit
      Size: Enter the number of residents that may be assigned to the room
      Number Occupied: A read-only field that displays the number of residents assigned to the room
      Description: Enter text that describes the room
      Housing Billing Rule: Enter a code to identify the billing rule (charge) associated with the room. For example, perhaps all single rooms are charged the institution's Single Occupancy Rate. Enter Single for all rooms associated with the single rate. Utilize this code when creating billing charges.
      Room Gender: Select the gender of occupants the room may be assigned to. This is informational only; the system does not enforce this as a rule when assigning students to a room.
    3. Click Create

    Copy Dorm Rooms

    Dorm rooms must be created for every semester in which a student could reside in them as dorm room availably may change from semester to semester as specific rooms are brought offline for maintenance or other reasons or new rooms built. If your institution's dorm rooms remain relatively stable, you may wish to copy them from one semester to another.

    1. Navigate to Registrar > Dorm Room Listing
    2. Click Copy
    3. In the drop down choose the semester from which to duplicate the dorm rooms
    4. In the drop down choose the semester to duplicate the dorm rooms to
    5. Click Copy

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