Set up Enrollment (Tuition) Deposit
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Set up Enrollment (Tuition) Deposit

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Article Summary

About Enrollment (Tuition) Deposits

If the institution uses an integrated payment solution (Authorize.NET or PayPal), the application may be configured to collect electronic payment for an enrollment deposit. Sometimes referred to as an admissions deposit or a tuition deposit, an enrollment deposit applies to the student's ledger and tuition, unlike an application fee. Applicants may also submit a housing deposit.

Establish Transaction Code

Prior to implementing a fee or deposit, the deposit and optional credit card surcharge must have associated transaction codes. Transaction codes are created under Student Financials > Transaction Codes.

Associate Deposits with Transaction Codes

Each admission site may have a different transaction code associated with its deposits. 

Tuition Deposit

  1. Navigate to Admin > Custom Control Maintenance
  2. Locate the ProgramId ADMISSDEP
  3. Click the pencil icon next to ProgramId ADMISSDEP
  4. In Parameter Value 1 enter the site number followed by the transaction code for credit card payments. For example, if the fee for Site 1 is associated with transaction code TCAR1 enter 1-TCAR1. You can add additional sites by separating them with a comma. For example, 1-TCAR1,2-TCAR,3-TCAR3
  5. If accepting Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) payments, enter the sites and transaction codes in Parameter Value 2
  6. Click Save

Housing Deposit

  1. Navigate to Admin > Custom Control Maintenance
  2. Locate the ProgramId ADMISSDEP
  3. Click the pencil icon next to ProgramId ADMISSDEP
  4. In Parameter Value 3 enter the site number followed by the transaction code for credit card payments. For example, if the fee for Site 1 is associated with transaction code HCAR1 enter 1-HCAR1. You can add additional sites by separating them with a comma. For example, 1-HCAR1,2-HCAR2,3-HCAR3
  5. If accepting Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) payments, enter the sites and transaction codes in Parameter Value 4
  6. Click Save

Configure Credit Card Transaction Surcharge

Payment processors typically charge a fee commonly known as a "swipe fee" per transaction. Campus Cafe may be configured to add a surcharge to a deposit. The surcharge may be a percentage of the total enrollment deposit amount or a fixed additional fee. The surcharge will be the same regardless of the credit card brand (e.g Amex, MasterCard, etc.) used. The surcharge will not appear on the student's ledger

  1. Navigate to Admin > Custom Control Maintenance
  2. Locate ProgramId PAYCONVFEE 
  3. Click the pencil icon next to ProgramId PAYCONVFEE Sequence 1, Parameter 1
  4. In the Parameter Value 4 box enter a percentage of the payment (do not include a %) OR in the Parameter Value 5 enter a fix amonunt (do not include $)
  5. In the  Parameter Value 6 box enter the transaction code to associate with the surcharge
  6. Click Save

Set Deposit Amount

  1. Navigate to Admissions > Adm Portal Config
  2. Next to the application for which to apply the fee or deposit click the pencil
  3. Under the Amount Charged section enter the Deposit Amount (enrollment/tuition deposit) and/or the Housing Deposit Amount
  4. Click Save

Change Admissions Progress Code to P - Deposited upon Deposit

Campus Cafe can be configured to automatically change the applicant's progress code to Deposited upon receiving a deposit.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Custom Control Maintenance
  2. Locate the ProgramId ADMDEPPROG 
  3. Click the pencil icon next to ProgramId ADMDEPPROG 
  4. In Parameter Value 1 enter Y
  5. Click Save

Configure Permissions

Whether the pay deposit button appears is controlled solely by the applicant's permission group; the admissions progress code is not considered. As such, Campus Cafe recommends not allowing the applicant permission group to have access to this button. Instead, configure the system to move admitted applicants to a new permission group and grant that permission group access to the deposit button.

  • Permission #977 is required for the applicant to be able to pay the deposit
  • Permission #978 is required for the applicant to be able to pay the deposit
  • Permission #2003 controls whether the Social Security Number input appears on the deposit page; changes made will reflect on the applicant's Campus Cafe record
  • Permission #2004 controls whether the applicant's billing address appears on the deposit page; changes made will reflect on the applicant's Campus Cafe record
  • Permission #2005 controls whether the religious preference drop down appears on the deposit page; changes made will reflect on the applicant's Campus Cafe record
  • Permission #2006 controls whether the applicant can choose to pay the enrollment deposit, housing deposit or both. If set to NA, the applicant will be ably to pay only the enrollment (tuition) deposit and not be provided the option to pay the housing deposit

Other groups that need to see this information, such as admissions staff, should also be provided this access.

Note: The "Pay App Fee" or the "Deposit" buttons will not appear unless an amount is input on the Portal Application Configuration page.

Configure Text on Deposit and Confirmation Pages

Institutions may configure the text that appears on the deposit payment and confirmation pages. For example, on the deposit payment page an institution may wish to provide directions for an alternative method of payment if the applicant does not wish to use a credit card.

Payment Page

  1. Navigate to Admin > Adjustable Text Maintenance
  3. Click the pencil icon
  4. In the large box enter the text to appear on the payment page
  5. Click Save
  6. Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache > reload data

Select Which Deposit to Pay Page

  1. Navigate to Admin > Adjustable Text Maintenance
  3. Click the pencil icon
  4. In the large box enter the text to appear on the payment page
  5. Click Save
  6. Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache > reload data

Pop up Message to Confirm Prior to Payment

  1. Navigate to Admin > Adjustable Text Maintenance
  3. Click the pencil icon
  4. In the large box enter the text to appear on the payment page
  5. Click Save
  6. Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache > reload data

Return Link

After completing a payment a student is presented with a return link. To set the page where, when clicked, the link goes:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Web App Config
  2. Locate the parameter PAYMENT_RETURN_URL_DEPOSIT
  3. In the Value box enter the full URL. To return the applicant to the applicant status portal, enter replacing "abc" with your school code.

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