Scholarship/ Other Aid Packaging Rules
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    Scholarship/ Other Aid Packaging Rules

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    Scholarship/ Other Aid Packaging Rules

    The Other Packaging Rules page allows a user to create rules to package scholarship/other awards. 

    Basic rules can be created then be used to add non-Pell/Direct Loan aid to a list of students from the student finder. 

    Advanced SQL query rules can be created to assign aid to a student through the F/A Auto Packaging process.

    Users must have Permission 984 to access these features.

    Creating Scholarship Disbursement Schedules on Term Rules

    Before being able to create a Scholarship/Other Packaging Rule, the disbursement schedule and dates must be established on the Term Disbursement Rules page.  Please reference the Term Disbursement Rules page for more detailed information on how to create a Term Rule.

    1. On Student Financials > F/A Disbursement Term Rules page click "Add"
    2. Select "INTERNAL" from Packaging Award Type (Award Codes must be created with the Packaging Award Type "INTERNAL" in F/A Code Maintenance to be used in this process.)
    3. Select Financial Aid Award Year that will be used for this scholarship.
    4. Select any other field that would be applicable and click add.
    5. Select the Award Code from the dropdown, select the percentage of aid for this disbursement, scheduled semester, scheduled date, and Academic Year (See Term Rules). Award, Payment Period, and Academic Year date fields may be optional for term based schools; Academic Year might be necessary for BBAY schools with more than 1 Academic Year.
    6.  Once all of the scholarships have been created in Term Rules, the "Refresh Data Cache" may need to be refresh the Other Packaging Rules with the new scholarship disbursements.

    Creating Basic Scholarship/Other Packaging Rules

    1. Navigate to Student Financials > F/A Other Packaging Rules
    2. Click "Add" to create new rule
    3. Type the name of this rule to display to users
    4. Select Award Code
    5. Select Year
    6. Input the Total Scholarship amount for period (If the selected term rule is created with two 50% disbursements, this amount would be split in half.)
    7. Choose the Award Term Rule schedule (these schedules are created on the Term Rulespage)
      • The selected rule will reveal the award schedule that would be applied.
    8. Click "Enabled" to allow this rule to be used for either student finder or auto packaging
    9. Click "Save"

    The Other Packaging Rule Page will now display the rules that have been created.

    Creating Advanced SQL Packaging Rules

    Advanced SQL rules can be created to auto-assign an award to a student upon packaging when they meet the criteria expressed in the query.

    Advanced SQL rules cannot be used from the student finder, they will only be used in the F/A Auto Packaging Process

    Advanced SQL rules that are not thoroughly tested could potentially lead to awarding of aid incorrectly
    1. To create an advanced rule, please follow the directions in the prior sections
    2. Once the rule has been created click the Caret Dropdown Icon to reveal SQL Query test window.
    3. A "Select ID_NUMBER" query can then be written and testing from this window.
      • Note: The sql query must be written to select only the ID_NUMBER from whatever table is used, otherwise it will not return any students or allow you to save as a usable advanced rule.
    4. Once written, click "Test" to reveal the results of the query to verify that the correct students are being pulled
      • Example: The screenshot is an advanced rule that will re-apply an academic scholarship for a student who has received a scholarship in the prior year who is meeting a 3.5 GPA requirement.
    5. Once your query results are satisfactory, click "Save" to convert this rule to an advanced rule.
      Image Caption


    Packaging Basic Rules From Student Finder

    1. Navigate to Student Finder
    2. Use Saved filter or create new listing of students by using filters
    3. Once a list has been generated click "To Other Packaging" button
    4. The group of students brought from the finder will now appear at the top of the packaging rules page to review once again.
    5. Select the Award Rules that you would like to package for this group of students
    6. Click Package Selected to create the awards for these students.

    Advanced Rule Packaging Process

    • Once a Packaging Rule has been created and tested with a valid SQL query it will be saved as an advanced rule as described prior. 
    • If the rule has been enabled from the edit rule page, the packaging query is now live, if the enabled is unchecked, then the rule will not run when packaging students.  This can be used for testing rules without enabling them.
    • Whenever auto packaging is run for one or multiple selected students, the Advanced packaging query rule is run, if the selected students for packaging are found by that query upon auto-packaging, the awards are then applied to the student(s).
    • Note: That if a student has awards that have already been disbursed under the same financial aid Award Year, the system will not package the student.

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