Upload Cash Payments Using Spreadsheet
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Upload Cash Payments Using Spreadsheet

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Article Summary

About Upload Cash Payments Using Spreadsheet

A collection of student payments may be uploaded using a spreadsheet. The payments will be transferred to cash batch for posting to student ledgers.

The cash payments upload process is designed to receive student payments. It is not designed to upload financial aid awards or donations (gifts).

Prepare the File

  1. Using Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or another spreadsheet software, create a a spreadsheet that must contain the following columns in order: ID or SSN, BILL_SEM, BILL_CODE, DESCRIPTION, AMOUNT, AWARD_CODE, AWARD_SEMESTER. Save the file in .xlsx, .xls or .csv format. A sample template is attached to this article.
    ID or SSN: The student's Campus Cafe ID number or the Social Security Number (do not include dashes or spaces). Required.
    BILL_SEM: The numeric code associated with a Campus Cafe semester in which to apply the payment (e.g. 202110). Optional.
    BILL_CODE: The transaction code to associate with the payment (e.g. CHECK). Required.
    DESCRIPTION: Free-form text associated with the payment. Optional.
    AMOUNT: The numeric value of the payment; may indicate a negative number by preceding the number with a - (Do not include the dollar sign $). Two positions after the decimal are supported. Required.
    AWARD_CODE: The payment plan code associated with the payment. The award code must be configured in Campus Cafe with Award Type of P - Is PayPlan. A payment will be applied to the earliest installment with a remaining balance. Optional.
    AWARD_SEMESTER: If transaction applies to a pay plan, the semester in which to apply the payment. Required if pay plan transaction, otherwise leave blank.
  2. Each row should contain a single cash transaction. The same student may have multiple transactions in the same file.
  3. Save the file to your computer

Upload the File

Permission #995 is required to access this function

  1. Navigate to Student Financials > Cash Upload from Spreadsheet
  2. Click Browse
  3. Locate the file you created earlier
  4. Click Submit
  5. Rows with invalid information (e.g. a non-existent ID number or transaction code) will appear with an error and the row number of the invalid transaction. Note that the row number does not count the header row. For example, if Campus Cafe returns an error on row 25, it is the transaction that appears on your spreadsheet is in row 26.
    Payments without errors will be transferred to cash batch for posting

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